NEW! Day Porting Services
Our Day Porting Services take care of your property entirely. We maintain exterior and interior areas, including: walkways, parking lots, hallways, bathrooms, common areas, and other spaces.
The great thing about our day porting services is that it makes your life much easier. You will no longer have to deal with the hassle of hiring maintenance workers or taking care of their payroll. You don’t even need to worry about having cleaning supplies on hand. We come to your property with the tools we need to get the job done.
Our day porting services can provide quick onsite assistance for the problems retail and commercial centers encounter daily.
Daily activities can include:
- Cleaning sidewalks and curbs of all trash and debris
- Emptying and re-lining trash cans
- Maintain clean trash cans and can lids, window sills, door frames and more
- Removal of unwanted paper and liter
- Pick up trash and debris from landscaped areas and islands
- Returning shopping carts to respective stores
- Maintain the cleanliness of dumpsters